Proces regulacji unijnych w świetle traktatu z Lizbony a istota koncepcji narzędzia Oceny Wpływu


  • Renata Śliwa Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie



regulation, Impact Assessment, heterogeneity and complexity of European integration, Treaty of Lisbon


The Process of European Union Regulation in the Light of Treaty of Lisbon and the Essence of Impact Assessment Concept
On the background of the most pressing problems related to the European Union (EU) power legitimization, the Treaty of Lisbon has been treated as the innovative adjustment in the area of legal, political, economic and administrative spectrum of choices. If the significance of the EU is to continue, the investment in the improvement of the legitimization of the EU power through the efficiency needs to be intensified. Through the lenses of the Treaty of Lisbon the administration servant corpus is presented in its role of knowledge production, as well as the stimulation of transparency and participation in the decision processes.


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Author Biography

Renata Śliwa, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie

doktor nauk ekonomicznych, adiunkt w Instytucie Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN w Krakowie. Autorka blisko 50 publikacji, na temat ładu regulacyjnego, przemian strukturalnych w Polsce, nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej, ordoliberalizmu.




How to Cite

Śliwa, Renata. 2018. “Proces Regulacji Unijnych W świetle Traktatu Z Lizbony a Istota Koncepcji narzędzia Oceny Wpływu”. Politeja 15 (3(54):301-11.