Median Europe and Its Thinkers to Give a New European Narrative after 1945


  • Joanna Nowicki Université de Cergy‑Pontoise



Median Europe, European dream, Fernand Braudel, European narratives


This short text contains a few layers: first, it reports on the author’s evolving interest in and work on what she calls Median Europe; second, it tries to define Median Europe, third, it presents the role the thinkers of that part of Europe play
in its quest for self‑understanding and definition; fourth, it puts forth the thesis that these thinkers have much to offer to those who search for a new narrative on Europe now; fifth, it explains why these Median European voices are not better
heard, especially in France; and sixth, drawing practical conclusions from the above points, the author presents a large research and editorial project she is involved in that is meant to change this situation.


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Author Biography

Joanna Nowicki, Université de Cergy‑Pontoise

Professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise and in the Political Sciences Institute in Saint-Germainen-Laye, France. Her research projects cover cultural anthropology of Europe and Francophone Central-Eastern Europe. Member of the editorial board of Hermès, in close cooperation with the Institute of Communication Science at Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Her scientific publications include the relations East-West, collective imagination of the Europeans, identity of border regions and the coexistence of cultures. Published in French, English, Polish, Spanish and Romanian languages. Among the most important texts we find: Quels repères pour l’Europe?, 1996; Mythes et symboles politiques de l’Europe Centrale, 2002 (with Chantal Delsol and Michel Masłowski), Dissidences, 2005 (with Chantal Delsol and Michel Masłowski); L’Europe. La danse sur les limites, 2005 (ed.), L’homme des confins. Pour une anthropologie interculturelle, 2008; L’invention de l’Autre, 2008 (ed., with Czesław Porębski); Traduction et mondialisation, 2007 (no. 49 Hermès, ed. with Michaël Oustinoff ); L’épreuve de la diversité culturelle, 2008 (no. 51 Hermès, ed., with Michaël Oustinoff and Serge Proux); La cohabitation culturelle, 2010; Les langues de bois, 2011 (no. 58 Hermès, ed., with Michaël Oustinoff and Anne-Marie Chartier); L’Autre Francophonie, 2012 (ed., with Catherine Mayaux); Barbara Skarga, Penser après le Goulag, 2012 (ed.); “Les differences de réalités et de perceptions entre Européens de l’Est et de l’Ouest” in A. Arjakovsky (ed.), Histoire de la conscience européenne, Paris 2016; Rêves d’Europe, 2017 (ed., wtih Luciana Radut-Gaghi); Les incommunications européennes, 2017 (no. 77 Hermès, ed., with Gilles Rouet and Luciana Radut-Gaghi).


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How to Cite

Nowicki, Joanna. 2017. “Median Europe and Its Thinkers to Give a New European Narrative After 1945”. Politeja 14 (4(49):37-47.