Doświadczenie migracji jako element tożsamości miasta

Przykład Berlina


  • Aleksandra Matykiewicz Jagiellonian University, Kraków



Berlin, Germany, immigration, integration, immigration policy, integration policy


The Experience of Migration as an Element of City’s Identity: The Example of Berlin

The modern Federal Republic of Germany is a migrant country. It has been de facto from the beginning of its existence, but as a political declaration this statement was adopted only at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, when it began to formulate a long-term migration policy – at the central, federal and local level. The case of Berlin is interesting for several reasons – the city as a separate federal state is a compact research object (it has a small space, but a separate administrative structure and a clear identity resulting, inter alia, from past experiences). In addition, a significant percentage of foreigners, migrants and their descendants live in the city today, which forces the authorities of the Bundesland to define their own immigration and integration policy. The phenomenon of migration is also an inherent part of the city’s history, it was an impulse for its development and building its present position. The subject of the article is the influence of the experience of migration on the contemporary identity of the city and the policy of the Bundesland’s authorities.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra Matykiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

Politolog i medioznawca, adiunkt w Instytucie Studiów Europejskich Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, była stypendystka Deutscher Akademischer Austausdienst.


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2021-12-15 — Updated on 2022-02-25


How to Cite

Matykiewicz, Aleksandra. (2021) 2022. “Doświadczenie Migracji Jako Element tożsamości Miasta: Przykład Berlina”. Politeja 18 (5(74):41-54.