Myśl wojskowa Mao Zedonga


  • Damian Winczewski Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin



Mao Zedong, philosophy of war, marxism, maoism, communism


Mao Zedong’s Philosophy of War
The aim of this article was to do some critical analysis of Mao Zedong military writing. Our method was to intepretate his manuscripts and compare his thesis to thesis of top marxists thinkers like Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg about the war and warfare. In next step we also compare Mao strategic thought with thought of classical masters of art of war like Carl von Clausewitz and Sun Zi. Finally we did some comments on political aspects in Maoist theory of war. In result we draw some conclusions. Firstly we can say that Mao did nothing new in marxist philosophy of war and his dialectics of war were vague and vulgar. Secondly we can say that his military writings was mostly influenced by Clausewitz through soviet military thought rather than Sun Zi. In the other hand his theory of guerilla warfare was to some extent original and finally we can describe Mao’s strategic thought as some kind of progress in twenty century art of war.


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Author Biography

Damian Winczewski, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin

absolwent filozofii na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Obecnie doktorant w Zakładzie Filozofii Kultury IF WHUS Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Zajmuje się historią filozofii marksistowskiej, a także współczesną heterodoksyjną ekonomią polityczną. Publikował w „Nowej Krytyce” i „Praktyce Teoretycznej”.


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How to Cite

Winczewski, Damian. 2018. “Myśl Wojskowa Mao Zedonga”. Politeja 15 (4(55):77-102.



Myśl polityczna