Imitation or Genuine Forms? Chinese Martial Arts in the Process of Cultural Globalisation
Far Eastern martial arts, Chinese martial arts, kungfu, wǔshù, combat sports, combat systems, traditional martial arts, traditional family styleAbstract
Far Eastern martial arts are now practiced worldwide and adopt a broad spectrum of forms, from traditionalist schools to combat systems or sports. It is hard to see them only as part of oriental culture, since they are substantially modified by the logic of capitalism and integrated into Western cultures. However, there is a risk that imitations might be taken for genuine forms. Commercialisation has influenced the way Far Eastern martial arts are understood today. They have become commodities belonging to the entertainment industry. Although very popular, the commercialised forms of martial arts do not reflect their true nature. This article poses the question whether it is still possible for traditional Far Eastern martial arts to exist in a commercialised and globalised world. It focuses on the case of kungfu/wǔshù, referring to how they are perceived, understood and adapted to contemporary conditions.
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