Voluntary Guardianship Notarization: China’s Legal Remedy to Support Self-determination and Decision-making for Incapacitated Older Adults





adult guardianship system, voluntary guardianship, self-determination, incapacitated older adults, China


In lieu of a comprehensive adult guardianship law, voluntary guardianship notarization has become the main route to support the self-determination, autonomy, and decision-making of incapacitated older adults in China. This article is a first attempt to provide an overview of recent developments and current forms of voluntary guardianship notarization initiatives in mainland China. Besides highlighting the difficulties and challenges faced by the country, this article also outlines the types of guardians under the current legal framework, identifies the social functions of the notary office in adult guardianship socialization, and sets out the emerging initiatives to support decision making for incapacitated older adults.


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How to Cite

Yan, Z. (2023). Voluntary Guardianship Notarization: China’s Legal Remedy to Support Self-determination and Decision-making for Incapacitated Older Adults. Intercultural Relations, 7(2(14), 92–105. https://doi.org/10.12797/RM.02.2023.14.06