Lemkіvska Respublika vo Flʹorincі 1918 ‑1921





Lemkos, Ruthenian National Republic of the Lemkos, Executive Council of the Lemko Region, self-determination



The main part of the article is a synthesis of the issues discussed by the author in his book Działalność polityczna Łemków na Łemkowszczyźnie 1918‑1921 [Political activity of the Lemkos in the Lemko Region in 1918‑1921]. The author presents successive phases of the activity of the Lemko elites who were inspired by the message expressed by Woodrow Wilson in his speech about the nations’ right to self-determination. The article quotes the demands formulated at national councils, reconstructs the structure of administration and government and demonstrates the connections between and the political agenda of the leaders who comprised the Ruthenian National Republic of the Lemkos. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the mutual attitudes between the Poles and the Lemkos in that period, as well as the restrictions imposed on the Lemko population and discusses how the Lemko Republic ended after its leaders were arrested and then acquitted several months later at a court trial. This synthesis is preceded by a contemporary introduction whose primary goal is to present the state of research that has been carried out since 1997.


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How to Cite

Horbal, B. (2018). Lemkіvska Respublika vo Flʹorincі 1918 ‑1921. Rocznik Ruskiej Bursy, 14, 141–159. https://doi.org/10.12797/RRB.14.2018.14.05



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