In Search of Rusyn Separatism


  • Ewa Michna Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland



Carpathian Rusyns, Trans-Carpathian Ruthenia, separatism, identity politics


Separatism is both a social phenomenon and a political category employed in analysis of diverse types of phenomena by social sciences. Colloquially it is often used to label and deprecate emancipating aspirations of groups that strive for recognition. Whether such aspirations of a given ethnic/national group are, or are not, considered separatism depends on the accepted definition of the term as well as the vantage point assumed in description. This paper attempts to view the process of emancipation of Trans-Carpathian Rusyns from two perspectives: various ways in which this complex phenomenon is approached throughout social sciences as well as an intragroup perspective of the actual participants of the process: Rusyn activists in Trans-Carpathian Ruthenia.


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How to Cite

Michna, E. (2019). In Search of Rusyn Separatism. Rocznik Ruskiej Bursy, 15, 121–141.



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