Katalońska pamięć historyczna i kryzys hiszpańskiej państwowości: przyczynek


  • Rozalya Sasor Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland




Spanish nation-state crisis, Catalan independence ideology, Catalan historical identity, fall of Barcelona, Diada Nacional


The Spanish nation’s present identity crisis is focused on the aspiration of Catalan nationalism to create an independent, sovereign Catalan state. In the popular perception, the Catalan separatism is reckoned as reaction to the economic crisis and the unequal distribution of wealth, or even as a kind of civic “treason” committed by supporters of the nationalist position against the State. Whereas the Catalan point of view appeals to the cultural reasons for independence and to the mythologized national identity built on the historical events. This study is an analysis of the way how the Catalan identity is marked by historical memory of such episodes as the Catalan revolt (1640-52) and the fall of Barcelona (11 IX 1714), the proclamation of the Catalan Republic (1931) and the Catalan State within the Iberian Federation (1934).

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How to Cite

Sasor, Rozalya. 2015. “Katalońska pamięć Historyczna I Kryzys hiszpańskiej państwowości: Przyczynek”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 14 (December):85-107. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.14.2015.14.06.



Relaciones de crisis en el mundo hispánico-catalán