La terminología sartorial de las "Premáticas" españolas del siglo XVI conservadas en la Biblioteca Jagiellońska analizada en el marco de la lingüística cognitiva


  • Bożena Wisłocka Breit Queen Mary University of London



cognitive linguistics, conceptual metonymy and metaphors, Spanish 16th century sartorial terminology


Spanish Sartorial Terms in the 16th Century Premáticas Belonging to the Jagiellonian Library and Their Cognitive Linguistics Analysis
Within the context of cognitive linguistics, language is not the unique manner of human cognition of the outside world. The earliest and most primary sensory experiences are decisive for the subsequent perception and comprehension of the surroundings. Specific legislation, concerning licenses and prohibitions regarding clothes worn in the sixteenth century in Spain, was assembled in the Premática of 1563, a copy of which is conserved in the Volsciana Collection belonging to the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow. The aim of the analysis of those regulations was to identify the conceptual metaphors and metonymies present in the sartorial terminology of the time.

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How to Cite

Wisłocka Breit, Bożena. 2018. “La terminología Sartorial De Las ‘Premáticas’ españolas Del Siglo XVI Conservadas En La Biblioteca Jagiellońska Analizada En El Marco De La lingüística Cognitiva”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 17 (April):323-40.