Ética epicurista − "Tetraphármakos": Algumas inquirições no pensamento filosófico português





ethics, Epicurus, Tetraphármakos, Agostinho da Silva, Fernando Pessoa


Epicurean Ethics − "Tetraphármakos": Some Inquiries in Portuguese Philosophical Thought

Can we achieve a good life, endure pain and eliminate the fear of death? What is the role of philosophy and the philosopher in the face of practical and speculative concerns? The philosophy of Epicurus (341-270 BC) aims at “the health of the soul” through the rigorous knowledge of the Universe. This article aims at analysing the ethical proposal of the philosopher − his tetraphármakos (quadruple remedy to liberate the man). Below, two objections to his thinking are presented: on the one hand, Agostinho da Silva, criticizing Epicurean philosophy as a merely defensive method of pain; on the other hand, the characterization of the Epicurean legacy as unrealizable as a praxis ambition, as proposed by Fernando Pessoa’s heteronym, Ricardo Reis.

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How to Cite

Rego, Rui Maia. 2019. “Ética Epicurista − ‘Tetraphármakos’: Algumas inquirições No Pensamento filosófico Português”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 18 (December):231-42. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.18.2019.18.16.



Literaturas e culturas em língua portuguesa

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