Krytyka ujęć modelowych wielokulturowości


  • Tadeusz Paleczny Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie



models of multiculturalism, critical approach to main theories


Model Multiculturalities. A Critical Approach

The article includes an overview of the factors and reasons for the crisis of ideology and multicultural policy. This crisis is reflected in the concepts and theories describing and explaining the mechanisms and processes of shaping multicultural civil societies. The consequence of this tendency is the growing criticism of the existing models of integration, assimilation and cultural pluralism, undertaken by supporters of populist, nationalistic and conservative concepts. The article focuses mainly on the characteristics of the negative consequences of migration, transculturation and cultural universalization. The article also aims to put forward preliminary general theses on the grounds of criticism of scientific models of multiculturalism.


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How to Cite

Paleczny, Tadeusz. 2019. “Krytyka ujęć Modelowych wielokulturowości”. Politeja 16 (4(61):19-39.