The Second Revival?
The Visegrád Group and the European Migrant Crisis in 2015-2017
Visegrád Group, European migrant crisis, European Union, internal security, external securityAbstract
The aim of this article is to present the Visegrád Group’s position towards the contemporary European migrant crisis. The author seeks to answer two main questions: what is the degree of coherence of the Group’s position and what are the internal factors of the V4’s stance towards the crisis? The article analyses the political situation in the Group’s member states, the V4’s stance towards the earliest propositions concerning the migrant crisis, its fight against the implementation of the mandatory quotas, its stance towards the implementation of the EU’s decisions and internal factors of the V4’s policies. The author argues that although the members of the Group differ in their approach to many international issues, their attitude towards the crisis is very similar.
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