Reconstrucción de imaginarios en la Relación Breve de Fray Francisco de Aguilar


  • Marta Puente González Universidad de Sevilla



Francisco de Aguilar, social imaginary, chronicles of the Indies, indigenous people


Reconstruction of Imaginaries in the Brief Relation of Fray Francisco de Aguilar

Upon the discovery and colonization of the Americas, sixteenth‑century Spaniards had to face the process of interpretation of the new reality. To do this, they drew on a specific kind of writing, the chronicles of the Indies, and used specific social  imaginary, a way of conceptualizing which comes from Spanish and, more broadly, European cultural traditions. A Hispanic chronicler wrote about the Indians and about himself. The aim of this paper is to analyze one of those texts, the Relación Breve – written by one of the soldiers of Cortés and a Dominican friar, Francisco de Aguilar – in order to define his cultural tradition and his way of addressing the “Other”, an indigenous world. My study shows that the text by Aguilar is a mixture of medieval and Renaissance discourse; the author exposes his judgment about the native inhabitants of the Americas based on his viewpoint of a soldier or of a friar.


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Author Biography

Marta Puente González, Universidad de Sevilla

Dto. Lengua Española, Lingüística y Teoría de la Literatura Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Sevilla. Marta Puente earned her degree in Spanish language and literature (Arts faculty, University of Seville,) in 2011. She studied the Master on American Studies at History and Geography School, University of Seville (2012) and currently works as an intern in the European project “Europe and America in contact: a multidisciplinary study of cross-cultural transfer in the New World across time–CULTURECONTACT” (Project ID 312795).


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How to Cite

Puente González, Marta. 2015. “Reconstrucción De Imaginarios En La Relación Breve De Fray Francisco De Aguilar”. Politeja 12 (6 (38):115-28.