Pokój jako wartość
Aksjologiczna ścieżka dla politologa
peace, concept of peace, idea of peace, value, principle, pattern, purpose of action, means, price of peaceAbstract
The object of peace research in political science can and should not only be the totality of the conditions and forms of the existence of this phenomenon (to which the analytical-diagnostic concept of peace corresponds) or the normative regulation of relations between states to establish, restore or guarantee peace in specific historical and legal circumstances. The axiological context of the notion of peace – that is, considering peace in terms of values – also deserves reflection. Then, however, it is not only the utilitarian, pragmatic value of peace as a favourable, secure state of affairs that comes into play, but above all the abstract, universalist idea of peace as a moral value dictated by humanism and humanitarianism. An idea that fulfils a multiple role: a rule of conduct in relations of coexistence and potential competition or conflict, a model of a desirable type of coexistence, a long-range or immediate goal, a tool for the realisation of other goals and values. And also – a factor of positive motivation in diplomatic and educational activities, in economic and cultural cooperation. With reference to specific historical situations and the attitudes of specific political forces, leaders, the researcher has to determine whether, in a given context, peace is treated as a universal value or only particularly and occasionally convenient; whether it is for the participants in the interaction an absolute, unconditional and intrinsic value or, on the contrary, a relative (relativised) value, respected or pushed conditionally and selectively; whether it is an end in itself or only a means of achieving the right goals. It is also difficult to avoid the seemingly trivial level of the issue: if peace is a value, then how much is it worth concretely and practically under the given circumstances, what price are we prepared to pay for peace. It is precisely such questions that are key to analysing the motivations, intentions, calculations and decisions made by politicians.
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