Metanarracja dla Europy? Według Hanny Arendt


  • Stanisław Łojek Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie



metanarratives, Hannah Arendt, European homeland, polis, freedom


Meta‑narrative for Europe? According to Hannah Arendt

When we think about the principles organizing the life of a community, we usually refer them to particular areas: social, political, moral, economic… There are, however, principles that seem to be total. As they define all domains of social life, governed by the particular principles, they can be called ‘metanarrations’. In this paper, I explore the possibility of finding such fundamental principles that could unify and organize Europe. I assume that they must exceed (national) particularism without approaching (cosmopolitan) universalism, since the ‘European homeland’ – if it exists (and/or should exist) – must be the unity in plurality and diversity. Basing my considarations on the works of Hannah Arendt, who in turn refers to the experience of Greek polis, I argue that the idea of freedom, closely related with direct participation in government, might be the principle needed. Following Arendt, I point out that this principle means not only that no one can be ruled by anyone, but also that no opinion, no idea and no way of living and thinking can rise ultimately above others; none of them, in otwher words, can turn into truth.


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Author Biography

Stanisław Łojek, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Dr hab. nauk filozoficznych, kierownik Zakładu Filozofii Europej-skiej w Instytucie Europeistyki UJ. Zainteresowania badawcze: filozofia polityki, myśli Nietzschego i Heideggera. Do najważniejszych publikacji należą: Obrona Nietzschego. Rzecz o odpowiedzialności (2002), Hegel i Nietzsche wobec problemu polityczności (2002), Megalopsychokracja. O cnocie w polityce i polityce cnoty. (Od Homera do Arendt i Straussa) (2009) oraz Prawda, sztuka, nihilizm, Heideggera spór z Nietzschem (2013).


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How to Cite

Łojek, Stanisław. 2017. “Metanarracja Dla Europy? Według Hanny Arendt”. Politeja 14 (4(49):173-88.