Somebody Else’s Problem as a Practice in the Identity Discourse


  • Ewa Maria Marciniak University of Warsaw



identity, reflective identity, discourse, somebody else’s problem, invalidation


The article presents the characteristics of various types of collective identities: hard, programmatic, soft, pluralistic, and proposes an outline of the concept of reflective identity as essential for democratic public discourse. Moreover, the practice of invalidation in the public discourse has been analyzed. Articulated invalidation and silent invalidation have been articulated as two communicative practices and their characteristics. The article presents the social and psychological reasons for invalidation as a practice of public discourse.


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Author Biography

Ewa Maria Marciniak, University of Warsaw

Is a PhD in social sciences in the field of political science and a researcher at the University of Warsaw. Her studies focus on the psychological aspects of social communication and political behavior. Marciniak is a member of the Polish Communication Association, the Political Sciences Committee, and an author of many publications including Personalization of The Electoral Behavior in Poland in the Context of the Model for Conformity of Political Preferences (2013); Social Communication (2015); 2015 Elections. Psycho- and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Electorates from The Main Political Parties (2019).


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How to Cite

Marciniak, Ewa Maria. 2020. “Somebody Else’s Problem As a Practice in the Identity Discourse”. Politeja 17 (5(68):101-11.

