Ruch turystyczny w Peru w latach 1989-2006


  • Mikołaj Gruszczyński Uniwersytet Jagielloński



tourism, Peru, Incas


Tourism in Peru between 1989-2006

Tourism in Peru has been thriving for over 20 years. Tourism as the mechanism of the interdependence along with numerous cooperating institutions, new archaeological discoveries and researches uses prosperity of regions being based among others on a legacy of Incas. I will concentrate on statistical data concerning firstly on the arrival of tourists to Peru in 90ies and secondly on the arrival of tourists to Peru and neighbouring countries of Ecuador and Bolivia, thirdly the increase of tourist accommodation towards the development of tourists movements in years 1993-2003 . I will specify the objects in Peru marked out on the UNESCO list. I will wonder what role in tourism the autochthonous resident is playing, his relations with the cultural legacy of Incas and possibilities of participating in the life of tourism. Tourist movements before 2000 and precipitated development of tourism after 2000, its causes and the infrastructure which rose along with it.


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Author Biography

Mikołaj Gruszczyński, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Absolwent Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, specjalizacja: turystyka międzynarodowa. W 2008 r., obronił pracę magisterską pt. Wybrane elementy tradycji kulturowej Inków w turystyce w Peru. Od 2012 r. jest doktorantem Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Instytucie Studiów Międzykulturowych. Podróżnik, speleolog, nurek.


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How to Cite

Gruszczyński, Mikołaj. 2013. “Ruch Turystyczny W Peru W Latach 1989-2006”. Politeja 10 (4(26):353-68.


