Sámi Manifest 15

Performans i pamięć, czyli o rdzennej kulturze Samów w perspektywie współczesnych nordyckich artystów i aktywistów





the Sámi people, Sámi Manifest 15, performance, cultural memory


The Sámi Manifest 15. Performance and the Collective Memory – on the Native Sámi Culture from the Perspective of Contemporary Nordic Artists and Activists

The article analyses the case of the Sámi Manifest 15 performance in Jåhkåmåhkke, Sweden, 2015. The main arguments in the performative action are related to cultural collective memory and cultural identity. In the field of performance, the native Sámi deal with postcolonial trauma, which affects them as descendants of a group that for centuries had been persecuted by the state. The Sámi Manifest 15 is also an appeal to return to a life style respecting the nature and the wisdom of the indigenous communities of the world.


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How to Cite

Pawełko, M. . (2020). Sámi Manifest 15: Performans i pamięć, czyli o rdzennej kulturze Samów w perspektywie współczesnych nordyckich artystów i aktywistów. Intercultural Relations, 4(1(7), 125–141. https://doi.org/10.12797/RM.01.2020.07.07