Sobre el carácter heterogéneo de las connotaciones


  • Marta Wicherek Uniwersytet Jagielloński



connotation, semantics, semantic association, semantic attribute, linguistic meaning


On the Heterogeneous Nature of Connotations
Our objective with this study is to present the specific nature of semantic connotations understood as such characteristics of lexical items which evoke affective, emotional, evaluative or cultural associations in the users of any language. We would like to present a few of the many classifications and propose our own typology. This procedure will permit us to demonstrate that these hidden meanings are in many cases individual, but some of them can be disseminated and decoded in the same way by large groups of speakers. Furthermore, we would like to stress that these connotative attributes have highly complex structures and it is difficult to establish a fixed framework in which we could encompass them.

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How to Cite

Wicherek, Marta. 2017. “Sobre El carácter heterogéneo De Las Connotaciones”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 16 (December):199-214.