Spowiedź Sadyka

Ostatni list Michała Czaykowskiego do Hipolita Błotnickiego





Michał Czaykowski, Hipolit Błotnicki, emigration, Pan-Slavism, Turkey, Russia



Michał Czaykowski (Sadyk Pasha) is a figure whose assessment remains challenging to this day. His path to national and religious apostasy was complex and winding. At the beginning of his emigration, his dedication to the Polish cause earned him applause and recognition among fellow emigrants. He tirelessly worked in emigrant diplomacy, establishing the extensive Eastern Agency of the Hotel Lambert as a Polish agent in the East. After the Crimean War, he gradually distanced himself from Polish affairs. He deemed the January Uprising unnecessary and increasingly leaned towards Pan-Slavic ideals. Upon returning to Russia and his original name, he lost his old friends and failed to find new ones. It’s hard not to notice that he became a pawn in the hands of the Russians. The published letter from July 17, 1874, is addressed to Hipolit Błotnicki, whom he regarded as a friend, often signing letters to him as his cousin. This is the last preserved letter in their long-standing correspondence. In it, he attempts to justify his actions to his former friend, explaining his attitude towards Polish identity, the shift in his feelings towards the recently hated Muscovites, and the reigning autocrat. He tries to convince and argue why he chose Christianity again and joined the Orthodox Church. The letter seems to be an attempt to convince not only H. Błotnicki but also to justify himself to Władysław Czartoryski, to whom this letter was undoubtedly shown.


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Author Biography

Janusz Pezda, Jagiellonian University, Poland

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How to Cite

Pezda, Janusz. 2023. “Spowiedź Sadyka: Ostatni List Michała Czaykowskiego Do Hipolita Błotnickiego”. Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe 15 (December):129-41. https://doi.org/10.12797/KPK.15.2023.15.08.


