Cierpienie i pamięć - o transmisji doświadczeń w narracji
experience, narration, suffering, trajectory, identity, post-memoryAbstract
Suffering and Memory – on the Experience Transmission in the Narrative
The traumatic experience of war and the Holocaust not only left its mark on the psyche of the people affected by it, it also left a deep imprint on the consciousness of the next generation. The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of generational transmission of post-war trauma in relation to the concept of trajectory, developed in sociology. The concept of trajectory allows for better examination and understanding of the biographical processes of suffering that arises and grows in the situation of social disorder and the breakdown of moral norms. Tragic experiences from the parents’ past are a significant conditioning of the way children perceive their stories and themselves. Post-memory, as the second generation’s memory created by family narratives, is a form of remembering what has happened, which determines the process of constructing the self.
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