Nauki o polityce i ich usytuowanie w systemie nauk
the social science, the political science, scientific development, scientific discussionAbstract
Political Science and Its’ Location in the System For Sciences
As the political science has been assigned to new field and domain of social science in 2011 instead of being assigned to humanities, it has caused astonishment and some kind of discomfort in many centres of political science. It was similar to introducing of a new field called public policy science. Assessment of the environment was quiet diverse. As far as by the public policy science one can notice lack of interest, by the new assignment of policy science one can distinguish three contentions: inclusion of the political sciences in the domain of social science, renewed assignment of policy sciences to humanities and assignment of the political sciences to both domains (management studies alike). The third solution is the most supported one in the environment of political scientists. On the same time statements of politicians about reportedly demanded education of welders instead of political scientists and diminished interest with political studies have made the environment of policy analysis anxious. It is to be emphasised that we are not newly formed field of science and any discussions about status of our domain are an ancient history. At the present day staff of the centres of political sciences is outweighed by people, who graduated political studies and their scientific development together with their tittles of professor have been connected with investigations on the field of political studies. This way the environment grows stronger. A few dangers to political science can be pointed out. First of all there is an aspiration to autonomy of some subfields. Second, there is lack of scientific discussion in the environment. Third, there is a western technique of mechanical “scaling”, “measuring” and other ways of evaluation of one’s academic background, which does not fit to Polish reality and also pervert valuable academic backgrounds.
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