Pogrzebać czy dać nowe życie?

Opłacalność koalicji państw Trójkąta Weimarskiego w procesie legislacyjnym Unii Europejskiej





European Union, Weimar Triangle, EU legislative process UE, bargaining success



The article seeks to answer the following question: does building a Weimar coalition, understood as agreeing on a common policy position on EU legislation, increase the bargaining success of the Weimar Triangle (WT) countries when adopting EU secondary law? For this purpose, a statistical analysis was carried out to empirically test the hypothesis that Germany, France and Poland are more successful in realizing their preferences when they form a coalition. The following results were obtained. First, the possibilities of building a Weimar coalition in the EU legislative process are limited. In the years 2004-2019, WT countries held a common position on only 25% of EU legislative files, while the country that most often broke the Weimar coalition, was Poland. Second, despite its low frequency, building a Weimar coalition is generally very profitable. When WT countries form an alliance, the average bargaining success of these countries taken together increases compared to the absence of such a coalition. Third, building a Weimar coalition is not equally beneficial for all WT members treated individually. While it increases the bargaining success of Poland and France, this relationship does not exist in the case of Germany.


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Author Biography

Adam Kirpsza, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Doktor nauk społecznych w zakresie nauk o polityce, adiunkt w Katedrze Studiów nad Procesami Integracyjnymi w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Interesuje się ustrojem Unii Europejskiej, procesem legislacyjnym w UE, sukcesem państw w negocjacjach międzynarodowych i politykami publicznymi. Autor ponad 50 publikacji, w tym artykułów w „West European Politics”, „Journal of Common Market Studies” czy „ International Political Science Review”. Strona internetowa: https://jmc.inp.uj.edu.pl/dr-adam-kirpsza.


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How to Cite

Kirpsza, Adam. 2024. “Pogrzebać Czy Dać Nowe życie? Opłacalność Koalicji państw Trójkąta Weimarskiego W Procesie Legislacyjnym Unii Europejskiej”. Politeja 21 (1(88/1):103-20. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.20.2024.88.1.07.



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