Twofold Role of a Minority Language in Historical Trauma: The Case of Lemko Minority in Poland
ethnic minority language, Lemko language, historical trauma, trauma symptoms, Lemkos, social cureAbstract
Tragic collective events bring about long-term consequences for the affected groups. They not only affect the immediate victims of trauma, but can also influence subsequent generations. In the present research, we examined the effects of minority language use on historical trauma. In a study of 237 Lemko participants, members of a severely victimized ethnic minority in Poland, we tested the effects of cognitive availability of historical trauma on three categories of trauma-related symptoms: emotional, behavioral, and depressive. The study found that minority language use is positively related to cognitive availability of trauma, but it also limits the effects of such availability on trauma-related symptoms. Based on this finding, we discuss the potential of minority language use to act as a social cure protecting from the negative psychological consequences of historical trauma.
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