Observações sobre a derivação parassintética no português e no espanhol


  • Ildikó Szijj Universidade Eötvös Loránd de Budapeste




derivation, parasynthesis, Portuguese, Spanish, morphological comparison


Observations about Parasynthetic Derivation in Portuguese and Spanish

My aim is to observe certain aspects of the deadjetival parasynthesis in Portuguese and Spanish, with the prefixes a- and en-. This type of derivation exists in all romance languages, although concrete elements may diverge. A derived word may have a different prefix, ex. port. encurtar / sp. acortar. In port. apequenar / esp. empequeñecer the difference appears in the type of conjugation and in the prefix. In other cases only one of the languages has a parasynthetic derived word, ex. sp. ensuciar / port. sujar. The parasynthetic derived word may have a combination of lexical elements as an equivalent, ex. sp. empequeñecer / port. tornar pequeno.

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How to Cite

Szijj, Ildikó. 2019. “Observações Sobre a derivação parassintética No Português E No Espanhol”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 18 (December):525-36. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.18.2019.18.36.



Linguística, didática e estudos de tradução