Aproximações ao Português Língua Não Materna: alguns estudos académicos do 2º Ciclo (Bolonha)


  • Maria Helena Ançã Universidade de Aveiro




Portuguese non-maternal language, linguistic and cultural diversity, teachers’ training reports, masters in teaching, linguistic training


Approaches to Portuguese as a Non-Mother Tongue: some Academic Studies (2nd Cycle Bologna)

According to the Bologna process, the teaching graduation courses were extinguished, giving rise to a general course of three years. Then it is necessary to realize a professional Master’s degree (2nd Cycle) to teach in Portuguese schools. In this context, and considering the Portuguese legislation that defines the legal regime of professional qualification, the students must develop an empirical study, during their Pedagogical Practice in schools, to be included in their Teaching Internship Reports (IR)/Master’s Reports. These Reports have to be defended in public examinations. Considering the Portuguese social and educational landscape, multicultural and multilingual, in the present, these students are confronted, in the school context, with the challenge of teaching Portuguese to non-mother tongue’s pupils and to native pupils, therefore to pupils with different linguistic backgrounds. Thus this text intends to analyze 10 studies/IR carried out between 2012 and 2017, under my supervision, whose power lines are: themes, concepts, strategies, and also the main conclusions.

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How to Cite

Ançã, Maria Helena. 2019. “Aproximações Ao Português Língua Não Materna: Alguns Estudos académicos Do 2º Ciclo (Bolonha)”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 18 (December):337-48. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.18.2019.18.24.



Linguística, didática e estudos de tradução

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