Consolidating Europeanization

A Communication‑development Perspective


  • Maciej Stępka Jagiellonian University



Europeanization, development, communication, European Union


This paper discusses a conceptual relationship between Europeanization and communication‑development. It analyses the theories and methods of diffusion of knowledge and information in Europeanizing and developing societies. More precisely, it focuses on the exact elements of communication‑development which coincide with Europeanization, and to what extent they could be extrapolated to the studies on internalization of the EU‑driven social change. In this regard, the article aims to identify the focal points for possible application of such a perspective and sanction further analyses of communication as a consolidating factor in the process of Europeanization.


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Author Biography

Maciej Stępka, Jagiellonian University

A PhD Candidate at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He earned his Master degrees in Political Science from University of Amsterdam (2011) and European Studies from Jagiellonian University in Kraków (2009). He has been awarded several scholarships and participated in many international exchange programmes, among others at KU Leuven, Belgium (2007), Maastricht University, the Netherlands (2008), Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia (2012). His research interests revolve around European integration, securitization, as well as border and migration studies.


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How to Cite

Stępka, Maciej. 2015. “Consolidating Europeanization: A Communication‑development Perspective”. Politeja 12 (1 (33):67-82.