Priorytety w strategii zachowania tożsamości przez mniejszość serbo łużycką


  • Małgorzata Mieczkowska Uniwersytet Szczeciński



Lausitz, Germany, ethnic policy, Sorbs


The Priorities in the Strategy of Behavior by a Minority of Sorbian Identity

The article discusses the priorities and strategies implemented by the Sorbian minority after the reunification of Germany to safeguard its national interests. The political changes‑unification of both German states accelerated and forced conversion of the structure and organization within the minority. Sorbian minority gained the ability to build pluralistic organizational structures based on democratic legal solutions. In the public debate, set objectives and targets to achieve. Postulated among others: ensuring national rights, the protection of the territory of Lausitz, the creation of a new federal state “Lausitz”, an objective assessment of national policy pursued by the SED to the Sorbs. Domowina – the main organization of the Sorbs, held responsible for the processes of assimilation made has been restructured. Currently, it performs the role of a representative of the interests of national minorities, but does not participate in political participation and has no effect on the allocation of financial grant by the provinces on business organizations and institutions of minorities. Not all identified as strategic priorities in 1990 so far implemented‑the process is still open.


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Author Biography

Małgorzata Mieczkowska, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Adiunkt w Instytucie Politologii i Europeistyki Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Autorka pracy Między koncepcją a praktyką. Polska wobec Łużyc w latach 1945-1990 (2002). Jej zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą problematyki mniejszości narodowych w Niemczech i Polsce.


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How to Cite

Mieczkowska, Małgorzata. 2014. “Priorytety W Strategii Zachowania tożsamości Przez mniejszość Serbo łużycką”. Politeja 11 (5 (31/1):285-308.