Sintaksičeskaâ informaciâ dlâ Aktivnogo slovarâ russkogo âzyka


  • Ûrij D. Apresân IRÂ im. V.V. Vinogradova RAN, IPPI im. A.A. Harkeviča RAN


Słowa kluczowe:

słowniki rosyjskie, słownik aktywny, leksem, typy informacji leksykalnej, informacja składniowa, wzory rekcji, kontrukcje składniowe


Syntactic information for Активный словарь русского языка ‘Active dictionary of Russian’

The article discusses the two types of syntactic information assigned to lexemes in the Active Dictionary of Russian (ADR) which is now being compiled at the Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of RAN. A lexeme is viewed in ADR as a word with only one of its meanings, but with all of the linguistically relevant properties characteristic for that meaning. Syntactic information assigned to a lexeme in ADR comprises government pattern(s) for predicate lexemes, and lexeme specific syntactic constructions, regardless of whether the lexeme is a predicate or not. Government patterns are deduced directly from the meaning definitions of predicate lexemes. Meaning definitions of predicate lexemes are formulated in terms of simpler senses and variables, of the form A1 which denote the semantic actants of the lexeme in question. A government pattern is the sum of lines A1, A2, …, An, each containing information on the external manifestation of the given actant.


Brak dostęþnych danych do wyświetlenia.



BAS-1: Slovarʹ sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo âzyka, Moskva – Leningrad 1948−1965.

BAS-2: Bolʹšoj akademičeskij slovarʹ russkogo âzyka, Moskva − Sankt-Peterburg, «Nauka», 2004– (prodolžaûŝeesâ izdanie).

MAS: Slovarʹ russkogo âzyka v četyreh tomah, izd. vtoroe, ispravlennoe i dopol-nennoe, Moskva 1981–1984.

SŠ: Tolkovyj slovarʹ russkogo âzyka. S vklûčeniem svedenij o proishoždenii slov, otvetstvennyj redaktor akademik RAN N. Û. Švedova, Moskva 2007.

TKS: I.A. Melʹčuk, A.K. Žolkovskij. Tolkovo-kombinatornyj slovarʹ sovremenno-go russkogo âzyka. Opyty semantiko-sintaksičeskogo opisaniâ russkoj leksiki, „Wiener Slawistischer Almanach” Sb. 14, 1984.



Jak cytować

Apresân, Ûrij D. . (2015) „Sintaksičeskaâ informaciâ dlâ Aktivnogo slovarâ russkogo âzyka”, LingVaria, 10(Spec.), s. 13–26. doi: 10.12797/LV.10.2015.1SP.02.




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