Frazeologiczne ujęcie kolokacji Franza Josefa Hausmanna i możliwość jego adaptacji w języku polskim



Słowa kluczowe:

kolokacje, baza kolokacyjna, kolokator, frazeologia polska, łączliwość leksykalna



Collocations is a term for a linguistic phenomenon that can be and is variously understood and defined. The aim of this article is to give an overview of the narrow concept of collocations suggested by Hausmann. The author of the article describes the semantic (phraseological) approach to the term, which stands in opposition to the syntactic, or corpus-based one. Collocations, according to Hausmann, take into account the process of thinking and language production of language learners. The hierarchical structure of collocations consisting of the collocation base and the collocator, which was suggested for the first time, is presented, and the individual elements of this phraseme are characterised in the article. Also, the author of the article attempts to transfer the concept of collocations according to Hausmann to the Polish language, and indicates a possible classification of Polish collocations in the semantic approach.


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Jak cytować

Targońska, J. (2024) „Frazeologiczne ujęcie kolokacji Franza Josefa Hausmanna i możliwość jego adaptacji w języku polskim”, LingVaria, 19(1(37), s. 45–60. doi: 10.12797/LV.19.2024.37.03.



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