O „cudownych formacjach”, czyli rzecz o językach kreolskich


  • Barbara Hlibowicka-Węglarz Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie



Słowa kluczowe:

socjolingwistyka, kontakt językowy, język kreolski, pidżyn


What Shall be Understood under Creole Language?
Creole languages are being formed as a result of language contact in multicultural and multilingual societies. Why is it that some circumstances are advantageous for their formation while others do not positively influence their formation? Which circumstances are crucial in order for a creole language to be formed? What does the entire process look like? Is the formation of a creole language a universal phenomenon or does it depend on the era and the place? Which creole languages are the most common in the world? Where do they come from? Do they have any characteristic features? These are the key questions that this paper attempts to answer.


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Jak cytować

Hlibowicka-Węglarz, B. (2018) „O «cudownych formacjach», czyli rzecz o językach kreolskich”, LingVaria, 13(25), s. 21–36. doi: 10.12797/LV.13.2017.25.02.



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