Conceitos do tempo e do espaço em russo e em português: diferenças e dificuldades na aprendizagem


  • Galina Petrova Universidade Estatal de Relações Internacionais de Moscovo



time and space, teaching Portuguese, Russian speakers’ mistakes, comparative analysis, lexical diff


The Concept of Time and Space in Russian and Portuguese: Differences and Difficulties in Learning

The article analyzes main structural differences between the Portuguese and Russian languages in the field of concepts of time and space and typical mistakes Russian-speaking students make as a result of these distinctions. Those are: days of the week and times of the day are expressed in a different fashion; while Portuguese describes the object’s position with generic verbs, Russian specifies its horizontal or vertical position. In Portuguese both space and time-related concepts are expressed with the same lexemes while in Russian it is impossible.

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How to Cite

Petrova, Galina. 2019. “Conceitos Do Tempo E Do espaço Em Russo E Em Português: Diferenças E Dificuldades Na Aprendizagem”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 18 (December):467-78.



Linguística, didática e estudos de tradução