Which Crimes Against Good Manners and Morality Were the Inhabitants of Chukva Tried for in the 18th Century?




Raktiniai žodžiai:

modernity, sexuality, crime, sexual crime, 18th century, social history, history of crime


The aim of the article is to shed light on the phenomenon of sexual crime in rural areas of the former Ruthenian voivodeship in the 18th century. Many researchers in Poland and beyond have already delved into these issues, but the territories of the Ruthenian voivodeship have not been thoroughly examined in this regard. The core source base consists of materials found in 18th-century rural court books written in the village of Czukwi between 1715 and 1754. During the query, the author identified nine cases of accusations of sexual crimes, classified by contemporaries as offenses against good manners and religion. Descriptions most frequently pertain to adultery, carnal acts, and incest. Although according to the prevailing law in the examined areas, such crimes were punishable by death, rural courts did not impose such severe penalties; instead, punishments were milder, ranging from corporal punishment to various fines and penalties payable to secular and ecclesiastical authorities. Only in the case of the most serious offenses (involving individuals closely related or when adultery was linked to a more serious crime) were the accused referred to the urban justice system. Beyond punishing the offenders, the article also addresses the significant issue of children born from such relationships and their future protection by the court through orders for financial support and various contributions to the child’s mother. Such penalties were primarily imposed in cases of adultery or incest. When forbidden relationships occurred between free individuals, they were often compelled to enter into marital unions, thereby resolving the issue.


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Author Biography

Klaudia Rogowska, University of Warsaw, Poland

Od 2019 roku doktorantka na Wydziale Historii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Kierownik grantu przyznanego w ramach konkursu Preludium 20, stypendystka Fundacji z Brzezia Lanckorońskich. Zainteresowania badawcze: historia przestępczości, zjawisko samobójstwa na przestrzeni dziejów, seksualność w nowożytnej Europie, demonologia ludowa.


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How to Cite

Rogowska, Klaudia. 2023. “Which Crimes Against Good Manners and Morality Were the Inhabitants of Chukva Tried for in the 18th Century?”. Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe 15 (December):9-20. https://doi.org/10.12797/KPK.15.2023.15.01.




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