Wstęp do obiektowej analizy czasownika aller w konstrukcjach z określnikami temporalnymi dla celów tłumaczenia automatycznego francusko- polskiego
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
tłumaczenie automatyczne, klasa obiektowa, czasowniki ruchu, iteratywnośćAbstrakt
Introduction to object analysis of the verb aller in constructions with temporal markers, for the purposes of French-Polish machine translation
The paper presents the preliminary results of an object-oriented disambiguation of the French verb aller ‘to go’, performed for the purpose of machine translation. The first part introduces the theoretical foundations of the object-oriented method proposed by Wiesław Banyś, and the principles of word sense disambiguation. The second part is an analysis of the different uses of the verb aller accompanied by temporal markers (weekdays, specific temporal markers and frequency markers). By using concrete examples, the author tries to discover the linguistic conditions which determine whether the translation of the analyzed verb should be jechać (the semelfactive form) or jeździć (the iterative form). The results of the research are presented in four syntactic-semantic schemes, i.e. in one of the descriptive formats used in the object-oriented approach.
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