Przegląd współczesnych form współpracy polsko‑rosyjskiej w sferze nauki, kultury i edukacji
organizacje pozarządowe (NGO), stosunki rosyjsko‑polskie, instytucje państwoweAbstract
Review of forms of Polish‑Russian cooperation in the field of science, culture and education
This article is devoted to the work of organizations of Polish‑Russian cooperation in science, culture and education. The author describes the main state institutions (Academies of Sciences of Russia and Poland, the Polish‑Russian Group for Difficult Issues, Foundation „Centre for Russian‑Polish Dialogue and Understanding” in Moscow and the Centre for Polish‑Russian Dialogue and Understanding in Warsaw) and, more broadly discusses the activities of so‑called „third sector”, non‑governmental organizations, bringing out the methods and scope of their work based on the examples of NGO’s (including the Foundation and Association Cultural Community „Borussia” and the Association of Cooperation „Poland‑East”). Form of activity of these organizations in the sphere of Russian‑Polish relations often differs from those conducted by state institutions. Projects organized by NGO’s are more on the regional level and are also characterized by flexibility and mobility. In recent years this sector is rapidly evolving both in Poland and Russia. It plays an increasingly important role in the development of Russian‑Polish cooperation, including scientific, cultural and educational.
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