El Análisis Melódico del Habla. Un método para abordar el análisis de la entonación del español hablado por polacos


  • Weronika Urbanik-Pęk Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie




Melodic Analysis of Speech (MAS), intonation, interlanguage, Spanish spoken by Poles, Phonetics


The Melodic Analysis of Speech. A Method to Approach the Analysis of the Intonation of Spanish Spoken by Poles

This article pretends to make a brief presentation of an innovative methodology to analyze the intonation of Spanish. This model, which was developed in the Laboratory of Applied Phonetics of Barcelona, allows to visualize the melodic line of any contour and compare it with the melodic patterns existing in Spanish. After a brief introduction about the intonation, we mention the theoretical precedents of intonation and we present the melodic patterns of Spanish. Then, we present in more details the Melodic Analysis of Speech, showing its characteristic features and describing the analysis methodology it proposes. This method is applied to analyze several interlanguages of Spanish spoken by students from different nations. More and more professors and researchers are following this method to offer their students a precise and clear tool to work with the intonation. Teaching the proper pronunciation and the correct issuance of the sentences in the FL classes is a current necessity. A high command of the language implies not only knowing the vocabulary and grammar but also applying the correct melody to our speech which can help us to avoid misunderstandings in communication. We hope that this text brings the knowledge of a new and interesting method and arouses more interest in the intonation of Spanish spoken by Poles.

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How to Cite

Urbanik-Pęk , Weronika. 2020. “El Análisis Melódico Del Habla. Un método Para Abordar El análisis De La entonación Del español Hablado Por Polacos”. Studia Iberica (Studia Iberystyczne) 19 (December):253-84. https://doi.org/10.12797/SI.19.2020.19.11.