Metafory konceptualne: fenomeny umysłu czy konstrukty kognitywistyczne? Cz. II
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
psychologia języka, psycholingwistyka, semantyka, lingwistyka kognitywna, metafora konceptualnaAbstrakt
Conceptual metaphors: phenomena of the mind or cognitive constructs? Part II
The author reviewed experimental studies of language metaphor, starting with the pioneer publication of Roman Jakobson from 1965. It has been shown that experimental studies confirm the postulates of G. Lakoff’s and M. Johnson’s cognitive theory of metaphor to varying degrees (more or less). The author also presents the results of a psycholinguistic experiment involving 280 respondents. The experiment based on the verbal-nominal constructions of the modern Polish language showed low consistency of answers, as well as the lack of arguments that the interpretation of metaphorical expressions (i.e. with the participation of polysemant) by respondents is not based on so-called conceptual metaphors.
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