Metafory konceptualne: fenomeny umysłu czy konstrukty kognitywistyczne? Cz. I
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psychologia języka, psycholingwistyka, semantyka, lingwistyka kognitywna, metafora konceptualnaAbstrakt
Conceptual Metaphors: Phenomena of the Mind or Cognitive Constructs? Part I
The author considers the psychological reality of models in contemporary cognitive linguistics. The initial hypothesis is that the programmatic assumption of cognitive linguistics, i.e. the fact that linguistic activity is programmed in the mind by ambivalent, monomodular conceptual categories or gestalts, is not realized in research practice: in reality we are dealing with different versions of constructivism, i.e. speculative generation of theoretical models that cannot be used to explain linguistic facts. This general assumption is verified with reference to the theory of conceptual metaphors by G. Lakoff and M. Johnson (1980). The author presents six arguments that metaphoric models economy is a substance or emotion is a hot fluid in a container do not reflect the real linguistic or mental activities of the subjects. The author refers to numerous scientific sources as well as empirical material of Slavonic languages.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2019 Aleksander Kiklewicz
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