The Indo-European Family Tree and its Split – a Report from the Workshop "The Indo-European Family Tree"
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
drzewo języków indoeuropejskich, rozpad praindoeuropejskiej wspólnoty językowej, italo-celtycki, greko-ormiański, języki germańskieAbstrakt
The paper provides an overview of a number of recent presentations of the Indo-European family tree and the split off its branches, as found in standard textbooks on the topic. These views are contrasted against the results of a workshop, The Indo-European family tree (University of Copenhagen, 15–17 Feb. 2017). Our account specifically addresses whether there are reasons to assume the existence of Italo-Celtic, Graeco-Armenian and what is the position of the Germanic branch in the tree. The use of new archaeological methods, computational cladistics and DNA-studies and their possible importance for diachronic linguistics are also mentioned.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2018 Piotr Garbacz
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