Polisemia systematyczna i współpredykacja




Słowa kluczowe:

polisemia regularna, polisemia systematyczna, współpredykacja, polisemia inherentna, polisemia logiczna, dot-types, fasety leksykalne



The author of the article discusses the polysemy of nouns, distinguishing polysemy motivated by metonymy (called here derivative polysemy), and so-called logical polysemy in which the meanings are so strictly related to each other that one has to perceive them as a part of a complex meaning or a global notional unit. The author discusses the concepts of J. Pustejovsky and A. Cruse, focusing on the polysemy of units meaning institutions. In order to analyse them, the author of the article uses the co-predication test aiming at checking language ambiguity. In the conclusion, she attempts to explain the fortuitousness of the co-predication test in the indicated group of units, changed as compared to the discussed theoretical approaches. Various readings of the words in question are treated as aspects of the general notional structure of one lexical unit (quasi-polysemic aspects) that are more or less linguistically fixed and depend of one’s knowledge of the world which enables combined conceptualization of all the aspects.


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Jak cytować

Czelakowska, A. (2022) „Polisemia systematyczna i współpredykacja”, LingVaria, 17(2(34), s. 29–48. doi: 10.12797/LV.17.2022.34.03.



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