Struktura kreolskich form werbalnych



Słowa kluczowe:

język kreolski, kategoria gramatyczna, aspekt, czas, tryb


The Structure of Creole Verb Forms

The study examines the morphosyntactic features of a creole verb system, as well as the principles of its functioning. It focuses on the markers of tense, mood and aspect (the TMA system) that, due to the uniqueness of the system’s functioning, have been investigated for many decades. The examples quoted in the paper come from Santiaguense, the oldest form of Cape Verde Creole that developed in the 16th century on the lexical basis of Portuguese.


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Jak cytować

Hlibowicka-Węglarz, B. (2019) „Struktura kreolskich form werbalnych”, LingVaria, 14(28), s. 57–69. doi: 10.12797/LV.14.2019.28.04.



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