„Nie tak i tak dalej, ale tak i nie tak dalej…”, czyli o tym, czym jest nielogiczność


  • Mariola Wołk Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn



Słowa kluczowe:

język polski, semantyka, logiczność vs nielogiczność


“Nie tak i tak dalej, ale tak i nie tak dalej…” ‘Not this way and so on, but this way and not so on…’ – the issue of illogicality

The article discusses the linguistic unit coś jest nielogiczne (‘something is illogical’), aiming to provide a description of its meaning, and an explicative formula which consists of indefinable expressions of the natural language. The semantic description of the unit is influenced by the issue of its reference, which is two-fold: the unit can refer to what someone said, as well as to what someone did. In order to pinpoint the distinctive features of the given expression, which is what determines its distinguishability, it is compared to a semantically close predicate, nonsens (‘nonsense’). Conclusions that flow from the analysis of nonsens had to be verified after a comparison with those obtained from the analysis of illogicality.


Brak dostęþnych danych do wyświetlenia.


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Jak cytować

Wołk, M. . (2013) „«Nie tak i tak dalej, ale tak i nie tak dalej…», czyli o tym, czym jest nielogiczność”, LingVaria, 8(15), s. 27–39. doi: 10.12797/LV.08.2013.15.03.



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