Opinia o projekcie zmiany Ustawy o mniejszościach narodowych i etnicznych oraz o języku regionalnym, a także niektórych innych ustaw
https://doi.org/10.12797/LV.08.2013.15.16Słowa kluczowe:
Silesia, subdialect, dialect, regional language, legal statusAbstrakt
Opinion on draft amendments to the law on national and ethnic minorities and regional language, and on some other laws
The opinion on draft amendments is negative due to lack of compliance with the Polish and EU regulations (Act on the Polish Language from 1999.10.07 and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages). Applicants want Silesian to be recognized as a national language. However, the current classification of used (living) languages of the world contrasts the general (nationwide) language with its regional/territorial varieties, i.e. subdialects. There are no rational arguments for modification of the existing arrangements, and favouring one of Polish dialects by establishing it as a regional language. Since, however, the positions of subdialects and regional Polish have been weakened for historical reasons, it will be justified to seek to raise their prestige.
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