O zdrobnieniach w twórczości Maria Vargasa Llosy słóweczek kilka





diminutive forms, translation, Mario Vargas Llosa’s novels


A few words on dims in the novels of Mario Vargas Llosa

The paper examines some issues relating to translation of diminutive forms from Spanish into Polish. Translator can use techniques such as: translation, paraphrasing, creating a neologism, catachresis, leaving the source form, omission of the idea of dim, omission of the whole word, substitution, and compensation; after the analysis of the oral and the written form, the structure, the meaning and the purpose of the diminutive in the context given in the source text, translator should apply the most adequate technics. In spite of a great equivalency between Spanish and Polish as far as the formation, the function and the richness of dims are concerned, they can create problems in translations. Examples of such problems and their solutions are discussed from the point of view of a translation scholar, translator and reader.


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How to Cite

Chrobak, M. (2015). O zdrobnieniach w twórczości Maria Vargasa Llosy słóweczek kilka. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 21(4/30), 41–54. https://doi.org/10.12797/MOaP.21.2015.30.04