Syntezator mowy jako narzędzie wspierające pracę tłumacza




speech synthesizer, translator, proof reading, editing


The speech synthesiser as a tool supporting the job of the translator

The present paper discusses the speech synthesis technology and its potential use as a tool supporting translators. The growing popularity, improving quality and ubiquity of speech synthesis on the one hand and continuously falling prices of solutions that adopt this technology lead to a situation in which the use of synthesizers as a tool supporting the job of translators becomes a real perspective. The article suggest the use of speech synthesis for proof reading and editing of translated documents. Speech synthesis can help eliminate those mistakes that cannot be detected by auto correction, such as some spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, mistakes in proper names, lacking words. The article also presents advantages and disadvantages of using synthetic speech.


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How to Cite

Figiel, W. (2014). Syntezator mowy jako narzędzie wspierające pracę tłumacza. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 20(2/24), 9–20.