Kształcenie tłumaczy w zakresie frazeotranslacji


  • Monika Sułkowska Uniwersytet Śląski




phraseological translation, methods of teaching translation, interpreters’ phraseological cempetences


Coaching interpreters: translation of phraseological units

This paper probes into the ways of translating broadly defined phraseological units, the focus being on how to coach prospective interpreters who are to effectively handle such translation. Idiomatic phraseological units, typically very idiosyncratic in a given language, are a source of difficulty for interpreters faced with the necessity to relate them to those of a different language. It is argued that special note should be taken of phraseological structures in the process of translation while phraseological competences, both receptive and productive, should become part and parcel of every interpreter’s working skills. There are a number of procedures applicable to the translation of phraseological units. Coaching interpreters effectively involves the use of various methods and techniques conducive to developing active and passive phraseological competences. Such strategies are described in the present paper.


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How to Cite

Sułkowska, M. (2013). Kształcenie tłumaczy w zakresie frazeotranslacji. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 19(1/2(19/20), 39–46. https://doi.org/10.12797/MOaP.19.2013.19-20.04

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