Nadpisy operowe w Polsce – między teorią a praktyką




opera, surtitling, audiovisual, multimodality


Opera Surtitling in Poland: Theory and Practice

The article discusses opera surtitling, which has been used in many opera houses around the world for over thirty years. It seems, however, that this particular AVT type has been hardly discussed by both scholars and practitioners. Therefore, it seems almost impossible to indicate any widely accepted standards or surtitling paradigms. Consequently, the dichotomy between theory and practice appears unavoidable. It is partly due to a more traditional understanding of translation, which apparently needs to be revisited in order to make surtitling an example of a translation activity aimed at translating a semiotic complex rather than a libretto.


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How to Cite

Rędzioch‑Korkuz, A. (2013). Nadpisy operowe w Polsce – między teorią a praktyką. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 19(4/22), 45–55.