Od przekładu do twórczości, czyli o quebeckich feministkach, anglokanadyjskich tłumaczkach i przekładowym continuum


  • Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogóż Uniwersytet Śląski




feminist translation, translation in feminine, Canada, Quebec


From Translation to the Writing: On the Quebec Feminists, Anglo-Canadian Women Translators and the Translation Continuum

The article presents the unique relationship between French- and English-speaking translators in Canada, which has resulted in a great number of interesting translation phenomena. The author makes reference to the distinction between feminist translation and translation in the feminine, derived from literature in the feminine, both widely practiced in Quebec. One of the representatives of this trend was Suzanne de Lotbiniere-Harwood, mostly French-English translator, known for her translations of Nicole Brossard’s works. Her activity, as well as that of other translators, contributed to the spread of the idea of translation in the feminine among Canadian writers and theoreticians. What is more, their cooperation has resulted in the creation of the magazine Tessera and in the emergence of a range of phenomena on the borderline between translation and literature. This relationship is also a rare example of the impact of “minor literature”, which is the literature of Quebec, on the English-language Canadian literature.


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How to Cite

Warmuzińska-Rogóż, J. (2018). Od przekładu do twórczości, czyli o quebeckich feministkach, anglokanadyjskich tłumaczkach i przekładowym continuum. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 24(2/40), 65–77. https://doi.org/10.12797/MOaP.24.2018.40.04